The Open Group Architecture Framework (TOGAF) adalah sebuah framework untuk arsitektur enterprise yang menyediakan sebuah pendekatan komprehensif untuk mendesain, merencanakan, menerapkan dan mengelola arsitektur informasi enterprise. TOGAF ini merupakan standar Open Group yang telah terbukti digunakan oleh organisasi-organisasi terkemuka dunia dalam meingkatkan efisensi bisnis. TOGAF juga telah menjadi standar Enterprise Architecture yang paling terkemuka dan handal, standar yang konsisten baik metode dan komunikasinya diantara para profesional Enterprise Architecture.
- Chief Information Officer
- Enterprise Architect
- Project Manager
- Manager
- IT Manager
- Business Analyst
- Systems Analyst
1. Introduction
Key Learning Points
The Open Group Certification for People Program
2. Preliminary Phase
Objectives; Inputs, Steps, Outputs
3. Phase A: Architecture Vision
Objectives; Inputs, Steps, Outputs
4. Phase B: Business Architecture
Objectives; Inputs, Steps, Outputs
5. Phase C: Information Systems Architectures.
Considerations for the Implementation Orders
6. Phase C: Data Architecture
Objectives; Inputs, Steps, Outputs
7. Phase C: Application Architecture
Objectives; Inputs, Steps, Outputs
8. Phase D: Technology Architecture
Objectives; Inputs, Steps, Outputs
9. Phase E: Opportunities & Solutions
Objectives; Inputs, Steps, Outputs
10. Phase F: Migration Planning
Objectives; Inputs, Steps, Outputs
11. Phase G: Implementation Governance
Objectives; Inputs, Steps, Outputs
12. Phase H: Architecture Change Management
Objectives; Inputs, Steps, Outputs
13. ADM Architecture Requirements Management
Objectives; Inputs, Steps, Outputs
14. Iteration and Levels
The Concept of Iteration
Factors Influencing the Use of Iteration
Iteration Cycles
Classes of Architecture Engagement
Mapping TOGAF Phases to Iteration Cycles
Applying the ADM across the Architecture Landscape
15. Security
Enterprise Security Architecture
Security as a Cross Cutting Concern
Adapting the ADM for Security
16. Architecture Content Framework
The Content Framework and the TOGAF ADM
Why do we Need a Metamodel?
Components of the Content Metamodel
Core Metamodel Concepts
17. Architecture Partitioning
Applying Classification to Partitioned Architectures
Applying Partitioning to the ADM
18. Architecture Repository
The Repository in Detail
Relationship to Other Parts of the TOGAF Standard
19. The TOGAF Technical Reference Model (TRM)
Structure of the TRM
The TRM in Detail
Taxonomy of Application Platform Services
Taxonomy of Application Platform Service Qualities
20. Integrated Information Infrastructure Reference Model (III-RM)
Drivers for Boundaryless Information Flow
How the III-RM Fulfi lls the Solution Space
The High-Level Structure of the III-RM
Components of the III-RM
21. Architecture Governance
Architecture Governance and the ADM
Key Success Factors
Setting up the Architecture Board